redux-devtools-extension をTypeScriptで使う
   1 min read というわけで型付けされているので const store = createStore(rootReducer, undefined, devToolsEnhancer({})); で良い。 何か Qiia の記事とかを見てるとこっちの方法でばっかり書いてあるが。 Electron から使う場合はElec
React Router <Route> で描画したいコンポーネントの指定方法が人によってまちまちなんだけどどれが正解なの?
   1 min read The recommended method of rendering something with a is to use children elements, as shown above. There are, however, a few other methods you can use to render something with a . These are provided mostly for supporting apps that were built with earlier versions of the router before hooks were introduced. <Route component> <Route render> <Route children> function つまり、引用部の直前