<!-- Important things for stored procedures: 1. Must set the statement type to CALLABLE 2. Must use the JDBC standard escape sequence for stored procedures: {call xxx (parm1, parm2)} 3. Must set the MODE of all parameters (IN, OUT, INOUT) 4. All IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters must be a part of the parameterType or parameterMap (discouraged). The only exception is if you are using a Map as a parameter object. In that case you do not need to add OUT parameters to the map before calling, MyBatis will add them for you automatically. 5. resultType or resultMap (more typically) is only used if the procedure returns a result set. IMPORTANT: Oracle ref cursors are usually returned as parameters, NOT directly from the stored proc. So with ref cursors, resultMap and/or resultType is usually not used. --> <select id="adderAsSelect" parameterType="org.apache.ibatis.submitted.sptests.Parameter" statementType="CALLABLE"> {call sptest.adder( #{addend1,jdbcType=INTEGER,mode=IN}, #{addend2,jdbcType=INTEGER,mode=IN}, #{sum,jdbcType=INTEGER,mode=OUT} )} </select> (後略)